Donegal Annual 1989

President: Arthur Spears

Our President 2
From Donegal to Rome by Foot, Boat, Coach and HorsebackTomás Ó Fiaich3
Gaelic Women’s Responses to the Elizabethan Settlement of IrelandJames Doan20
A Civic Guard’s Memories of ’22Patrick McInerney28
Inishowen Heritage Centre and Folk MuseumMary Gillen31
The Penalty of the Eight Deadly SinsBrian Bonner33
Two Donegal BattlesKitty McGeehan39
La Trinidad Valencera; An Armada WreckFr. Michael Keaveney46
The Spanish Monk’s Grave. Who could this be?Dr. Geraldine Carville51
The Grianán of AileachEtienne Rynne54
Poverty, Famine and the Workhouse at BallyshannonAnthony Begley57
Cavanacor House, Lifford and President Polk’s AncestorsEddie O’Kane72
St. Connell’s Museum and Heritage Centre, GlentiesDanny Boyle75
A Man for his Season – Bishop Neil Farren of DerryRev. Bernard J. Canning77
Folk Poetry of the Laggan 1750-1830J.R.R. Adams84
Susanna Marie Brooks: her Family: the Brooks and Lough Eske CastleMorwenna Donnelly89
Archaelogical and Historical Survey Group 94
Lector O’Friel and Doon WellFr. John Fitzgerald95
Aodh Rua Ó Domhnaill and his Mission to Spain 1602Micheline Kerney Walsh96
Harley-McDonagh Competition ReportArthur Lemmon123
In Retrospect 1989C.A. King125
Carne Graveyard, PettigoRev. P. Ó Gallchóir, P Slevin & J. Cunningham135
Donegal Local Studies 156
Book Reviews 159
Annual Report and Proceedings 164
Our Society’s Museum Report 167
Officers and Membership 168
Volume 41 : 1989

Donegal Annual 1988

President: Liam Doherty 

The Derryveagh-Australian ConnectionMay McClintock3
Ballyharry – A Study of the TownlandBrian Bonner11
The Spanish Armada Wrecks on the Donegal CoastsLucius J. Emerson24
“Sure and What Did We Ever Do but Knit?”Eugenia Shanklin40
Neolithic & Early Bronze Age Artefacts from South-West DonegalDavid J. Keeling55
Blessed Murray Mac GroartyVery Rev. Dr. John J. Silke75
Some Aspects of the Siege of DerryRev. Fr. Anselm Faulkner, O.F.M.78
The Eagle of the NorthJ.P. McGarry84
Ballyshannon and Environs, 1803John Cunningham,89
Rev. Willie (Bill) DevineRev. Desmond Mullan93
Cordoned Urn Burial at Laheen, Co. DonegalA.B. Ó Riordáin,97
Notes on Donegal TownsCaitlín Nic Giolla Bhríde102
Heinrich Wagner-Laoch Ar LarA.J. Hughes111
In Retrospect, 1988Cecil A. King)122
Donegal Local StudiesLiam Ó Rónáin136
Book Reviews 140
Notes and Queries 142
In Memoriam 144
Annual Report and Proceedings   144
Society’s Museum Report   147
Officers and Membership  148
Volume 40 : 1988

Donegal Annual 1987

President: Liam Doherty

Our President 2
Some Notes on Early Christianity in Co. DonegalVery Rev.  Dr. John J. Silke4
Vestiges of Ancient Raphoe from an Aerial PhotoArthur Spears16
MacColgan, Airchinneach of Domhnach MórBrian Ua Cnáimhsighe,24
Mary Stuart O’Donnell Professor Jerrold Casway28
Mineralogical and Geological Travellers in Donegal 1787-1812C.F. MacArthur39
Ag Amharc Siar Vincí Shíle Ó Dónaill,58
Looking for the JA RanchPatricia Burton70
State of Raphoe Diocese in early 1880sfrom Propaganda Fide78
In Retrospect: 1987Cecil A. King83
Rang Scoile a teagascadh i dTír Chonaill?A.J. Hughes99
An lnishowen Patriot, Patrick LynchRev. John Fitzgeraid102
Schooling in the Parish of Clonleigh-Lifford in the 19th Century.Daniel Coyle106
               Donegal Local Studies Liam Ó Rónáin125
               Bishops of Ireland B.J.C.126
              Ancestry Queries from U.S.A  127
In Memoriam  128
Annual Report and Proceedings of the Society, 1987  129
Society’s Museum Report     132
Donegal Archaeological Survey Group 133
Officers and Membership  135
Volume 39 : 1987

Donegal Annual 1986

President : Cecil A. King

Maol Íosa Ó Brochháin (+ 1086)Dr. Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin3
A Forgotten Medieval PlacenameTomás Ó Canann19
Red Hugh and Rose O’NeillMorwenna Donnelly46
Finner CampLucius J. Emerson52
J.J. Silke and the Seed Potato Industry in DonegalRev. Dr. J.J. Silke,67
Computer Based Index to the Irish Ordnance Survey Memoirs Angique Day78
My Own Place – Maigh ltha or the Lagan ValleyLeonard Roarty81
lnis CaorachMícheál Ó Gallachóir (CÓP)87
In Retrospect: 1986Cecil A. King90
             Illustrious Churchman C.A. King102
             Ancestry Queries from New Zealand & USA  104
            “The Deliverance of Donegal”A. Begley105
Errata Hon Editors107
Books 108
In Memoriam  111
Annual Report and Proceedings of the Society 113
Museum Report  118
Donegal Archaeological Survey Group 119
Officers and Membership  123
Volume 38 : 1986

Donegal Annual 1985

President : Cecil A. King

Adomnán and the Writing of the “Life of Columba”Professor J.M. Picard,3
An International Folk Tale from Donegal – Bréagach ÉireannachDr. Gordon McGill-Fhinnein18
The Diocese of Raphoe (1773-1805)Very Rev. Dr. John Silke24
Lios-Seanchas ó lár Thír ChonaillA.J. Hughes27
Cinneadh Chathail BhuíSeán Mac Labhraí32
Banking in County DonegalJ.D. Williams,34
The Creightons of lnver and KillaghteeFelim O’Neill,42
Hugh O’Donnell of LarkfieldRupert Ó Cochlainn46
Thalers and Reales from North SligoMichael Kenny51
A Donegal Priest Who Achieved Greatness in the New WorldCecil A. King58
Virginia’s new Horse Centre has links with DonegalPatricia Burton62
Gov. Robb signs Legislation Creating Va. Equine CenterAdrian Pantaze65
From Thurles to ArdaraVery Rev. Liam McCaul, P.P67
Folklore from GlenfinnLiam MacMeanman73
To Frances Brown (The Blind Poetess) 1816-1879James Kelly,73
Donegal Archaeological Survey GroupE.W.R. Cookman74
Report on O’Kellys Clive Evans75
Book Reviews  76
In Memoriam   78
Annual Report and Society Proceedings   80
Officers and Membership 83
Volume 37 : 1985

Donegal Annual 1984

President : Cecil A. King

Our President 3
The Grianan of AileachBrian Lacy,5
John Toland and Keating’s History of Ireland (1723)David Berman,25
A Contribution to the Social and Linguistic History of RannafastDr. Gordon MacGill-Fhinnein30
Logainmneacha na RosannDónall MacGiolla, Easpaig48
An Analysis of the Donegal Grand Jury Presentments, 1753 to 1762Raymond Blair61
The Growth and Decline of Fishing Around Dunfanaghy and Portnablagh.Jonathan Bell,75
First Rector of the Catholic University of AmericaRev. Bernard J. Canning84
One Hundred Years of the G.A.A. in Co. Donegal.P. S. Mac a’Ghoill90
Ardara’s Evie Hone WindowV. Rev. L. McCaul95
Can Donegal Claim Philip Murray?Professor L. A. O’Donnell97
Poet Recalls Local ClergyRev. P. Ó Gallachair99
Book Reviews 100
In Memoriam  104
Annual Report and Proceedings 109
Officers and Membership  114
Volume 36 : 1984

Donegal Annual 1983

President:  Edward McIntyre

Our President Edward Mcintyre  3
“An Scuab as Fánaid” and the Xlth Century Pandemonium,Arthur J. Spears,5
The Ordance Survey MemoirsAngelique Day21
Donegal Priests in ScotlandRev. Bernard J. Canning43
lsaac ButtBreandán Mac Cnáimhsi59
The Ballyshannon Herald, 1845-1850John B. Cunningham67
                       The Napper Tandy GallaghersRev. John Fitzgeraid86
                       Testimonial to Williarn AllinghamAnthony Begley87
                       “Johnston’s Motor Car”Patrick Bonner89
                       Did The Whiteboys Invade Ballyshannon?Rev. P. Gallachair91
Fishery History   93
Book Reviews  95
In Memoriam  101
Annual Report and Proceedings  103
Officers and Members  109
Volume 35 : 1983

Donegal Annual 1982

President: Mrs. Dorothy Borland

Franciscans of lnishowen and DerryFr. Anselm Faulkner, O.F.M.3
Mongeviin CastleEdward Macintyre18
The Dills of FanadSamuel M. Fleming22
They Made History Too – 2Cecil A. King33
The Struggle for the Belleek-Pettigo Salient, 1922Jonn B. Cunningham38
                                 O’Donnell AbúR. Ó Cochlain60
                                 Áit Dhuchais an Easpaig P. Ó Gallachair61
                                 Ancestry QueryR.M.K.McNolty61
                                 Bishop P. McGettigan WritesP. Ua Cnáimhsí62
                                Donegal Teetotalers, c. 1830Thomas Ainge Devyr63
McDonagh Memorial Competition, 1982Liam Mac Meanman65
Tribute to Our Hon. EditorEdward Macintyre65
Book Reviews  68
In Memoriam  76
Annual Report and Proceedings   78
Officers and Membership  83
Volume 34 : 1982

Donegal Annual 1981

President: Mrs. Dorothy Borland

Mac Cailín – A Martial ClanBrian Bonner1
Ua Duibhne – DeeneyDr. Brian Deeney11
Collecting Oral NarrativeLinda May Ballard21
William Connolly’s Ballyshannon Estate, 1718-1726John B. Cunningham27
Hedge Schools of lnishowenConall K. Byrne45
                Three AccountsJ. D. Williams56
                The Voyage of “The Countess of Arran”Rupert S. Ó Cochlain57
                An O’Doherty Family TraditionBrian Ireland59
Major General Joseph A. Sweeney, A TributeVery Rev. Canon O’Callaghan60
“The Blind Poetess “Patrick Bonner66
Annual Report and Proceedings              67
Membership and Officers  71
In Memoriam  91
Volume 33 : 1981

Donegal Annual 1980

President: Mrs. Dorothy Borland

The Land War in Co. Donegal Desmond Murphy476
Colum Cille’s TeachersRev. Dr. John Silke487
English Silver Coins, 1560-1640, found at Laghey, Co. DonegalMichael Kenny491
Donegal Writers and Derry of the OaksFr. Anselm Fauikner502
Workhouse and Famine: lnishowen (1845-9)Sean Beattie508
They Made History TooCecil A. King529
MacTaghlins and Houstons of DonegalRev. Joseph Houston533
Lá na Tulle i nDoirí BeagaSeán Ó Gallachair,541
Sir James Caldwell and the Lives of Half-hanged McNaughtonJohn B. Cunningham549
Leabhair    559
                    Museum Curator’s Interim Report,L.J. Emerson560
                    Ancestory QueryJohn W. Delaney561
                    Donegal SouterrainMichael Ryan561
                    Numbering of this Journal Hon. Editors562
Annual Report and Proceedings  563
In Memoriam    566
Officers and Membership  567