Membership Renewal / New Members Form (2025)

Annual membership subscription is due in January 2025, and you shall receive your copy of the Annual around July 2025.

New members are welcome to join at any time.

Payment by card or PayPal

Use this form to complete your membership application / renewal by paying using your debit card / credit card or PayPal using our PayPal account.

You do not need a PayPal account to use your card to pay for your membership, you can pay by card as a Guest.

You do not need a Euro account card, the PayPal system will covert your payment to your local currency.

Pay your subscription by card or PayPal

You can read our Privacy Policy here.

Payment by Post

This link will display the form for you to print and complete to accompany your cheque or banker’s draft.

CDHS Membership Form 2025

To complete this form, click on the link above and when the form is displayed in your browser use the print function or press ctrl-p

Thank you for your ongoing support

Membership 2024 Closed

Membership application for 2024 on this website is no longer open for Membership 2024.

Donegal Annual 2024, Volume 76

Copies of Donegal Annual 2024 are now very limited.

To enquire if any copies are still available, please email Hugh Devlin, Secretary,

To support the work of the Society and for your copy of next Donegal Annual 2025 then subscribe by clicking here!

Membership Newsletter August 2023

We invite all current and past members of the County Donegal Historical Society to join us for the official launch of the latest Donegal Annual 2023 at the MacGill Summer School in the Highlands Hotel, Glenties, on Saturday 19th August 2023 at 4.00pm. The launch will be performed by Dr Joe Mullholland.

During the past year the Board of Management of the County Donegal Historical Society has undergone some personnel changes. President Raymond Blair, Secretary Una Mc Garrigle, Acting Secretary Séan Bonar, Treasurer Helen Meehan, PRO Eamonn Mac Intyre, and Assistant PRO Bobby Mc Daid have recently retired from their respective Officer positions after many years of voluntary service to the Society. We thank them for their dedication and service.

These Officer positions have recently been accepted by incoming President Joe Gatins, Secretary Hugh Devlin, Treasurer Natalie Lough, Assistant Treasurer Michael Meehan, PRO Sean Mc Clafferty, and Assistant PRO Connie Duffy. All other Board members remain as before.

Please note Membership Renewals for 2024 can now be paid in a number of ways: The fastest and most sustainable way is via our new website ; by Bank Transfer to AIB Account Number IBAN: IE48AIBK93718502711018 BIC: AIBKIE2D, or by forwarding a payment by cheque to County Donegal Historical Society, PO Box 13629, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Please note that payments should no longer be sent to Una Mc Garrigle. For any queries, please contact the Society via