The story of my old photograph
We are delighted to announce the County Donegal Historical Society Schools’ Competition for 2023.
The theme for 2023 is ‘The story of my old photograph’

Competition Details
A photo can give us a glimpse into lives past, long forgotten events, forgotten places and memories that are personal or shared with the community. They will help our understanding of history, culture and identity.
Your Task
Find an old photograph from a family album ( before 1970 if you can, please) and research the story and the history behind the photograph. Maybe the story of the person, building, monument, tradition, event, piece of equipment, etc.
Present your research imaginatively and creatively.
Primary school student categories: Senior school: 4th – 6th classes only
Full class groups, one whole class entry. In small schools with a mix of ages in one classroom, the classroom can be a whole class entry.
Individuals, single student entry.
Please, no small groups. A whole class, whole classroom or individual only.
Hard copy entries only, in the form of a standard A4 project book or scrapbook.
One photograph per individual entry. A max of 5-10 for class entry depending on class size.
For individual entries, please give details of name, age and class as well as school contact details and a contact teacher.
Please do not include the original photograph – a good quality copy will suffice.
Judges will be looking for originality as well as evidence of imagination and creativity.
Entries must be delivered/posted to the
County Museum, High Road,Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.
Closing date for entries is Friday 1st December 2023.
Prizewinners will be notified in January 2024.
Any queries to Pat Shallow