
Upcoming Events

Field Days

Each summer the Society organizes visits to places of historic interest throughout Co. Donegal. These Field Days are led by local historians and provide a unique insight into our county’s history and folklore. They are very popular events in the annual calendar and attract members and non-members.

They are a great opportunity to acquire knowledge of the locality, thus gaining new friends in doing so. Such days are for members of the Society and their invited guests.

No need to book just come along on the day, details below in Upcoming Events.

Coach Tour

The annual Coach Tour is a very popular event in our calendar. Ranging from one to three days, it gives members the opportunity to explore  and appreciate the history and culture of other parts of Ireland. Members of other Societies often act as guides and facilitators.

Louis Emerson Memorial Lecture

An annual lecture inspired by and in memory of Louis Emerson, a founder member of the Historical Society in 1946.

Louis was recognised as the foremost authority on the history of the county and was the father of the Society. To those of us in the Historical Society, he was a tremendous inspiration; always encouraging, always interested in our researches and a font of knowledge which he willingly shared.

Recent Past Events