Donegal Annual 2024

Donegal Annual 2024

Front cover

Muckish River, County Donegal (detail)

George K. Gillespie, RUA


After retiring, Gillespie was inspired to paint by the rugged scenery of Co. Donegal and the Atlantic coast.

5Inishdooey and it’s Ancient Church
Brian Lacey, Aodh MacGairbheá, Peter O’Toole
14Teelin Coastguard Station 1873-1921
Pat Lavelle
20Ordnance Survey 1824-2024: Inishowen
Dr Karen Rann
23Ramelton Man Scaled Heights in “Gilded Age” in US
Martin McGinley
31Cruit Island: W. H. Caswell: Soldier, Seaman and Pilot
Shannon McGaffin
33Donegal’s First Match at Croke Park: a Missed Opportunity
Martin McGonigle
39John Simí Ó Dochartaigh
Rev. Dr. Pádraig Ó Baoighill
43John Gwyn: Philanthropist and Visionary (1755-1829), Muff
Ruairí Gallagher
Archaeological Excavations near Glenties, Co Donegal
Graham Hull
55Drumboe Forest: Donegal’s Civil War Executions
Dr. Seosamh Ó Ceallaigh
68Letterkenny-born Outstanding Educator: Emma Saxelby
Dr William Roulston
73Conall mac Mhícheáil Uí Bhréisléin, Glengesh: Last Hereditary Keeper of Bearnán Conaill
Tomás G. Ó Canann
88West Donegal Walking Tour (1886)
Rev Raymond Blair
92From Vienna to Ballyshannon: a Jewish Refugee’s Story
Margaret Wynne
101The Life of Thomas Ainge Devyr, Donegal Town
Helen Meehan
106“The Harp that Once…- the History of Harp Music in Co. Donegal
Dr Seán Beattie
118George Vaughan, M. P., (1693-1763), Buncrana
Olwen Gormley
126The Ulster Plantation on the Inishowen Peninsula:
A Hiberno-British Colony
David Heffernan
131Donegal Town 550, Dún na nGall:
the First 135 Years as the O’Donnell Capital
Darren McGettigan
135Eulogy: Unveiling of Aodh Ruadh 1 Statue, Donegal Town, 2007
Eunan O’Donnell
139Book Reviews
143Donegal Bibliography 2023-24
Una Mathewson
155Executive Committee 2023-2024
Volume 76 : 2024

Donegal Annual 2021

Donegal Annual 2021

Front cover –

Description Author. Page
Part One
Colmcille’s Birth and
Associated Traditions
Brian Lacey 4
In the Scribal Tradition:
Seamus Heaney’s Perspective
Seán Beattie16
Colmcille at Gweebarra BayVincent O’Donnell26
Cornelia Adair, Glenveagh Castle
and Colmcille
Rev. Raymond Blair27
Columban Scriptoria:
An Independent Line of Transmission for Cenél Conalll Genealogies
Tomás G. Ó Canann32
Colm Cille: Comóradh 1897 i nGartánNollaig MacCongáil49
Colmcille in the Donegal Bay AreaHelen Meehan58
Drumhome: Heritage SitesPierce Ferriter64
Did Colmcille Ever Set Foot in Glencolmcille?Lochlann McGill68
The Vikings and the County Donegal
Paruchia of Colum Cille
Darren McGettigan
The Saint and the Sage: Colmcille and
James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake
Donal Manning76
Harry Clarke Window and ColmcilleSeán Boner83
St. Columba as a Territorial LordMax Adams85
Colm Cille agus Oidhreacht Chloich
Cheann Fhaola
Seosamh Ó Ceallaigh93
St. Columba Fourteenth Century
Centenary Celebrations
Canon David Crooks105
Curragh to IonaSeán Boner110
The New Cathedral of St Columb’s in DerryWilliam Roulston114
Part Two ====
Inishowen and the War of IndependenceJohn Reynolds119
The Burtonport Incident, May 1921
and the Treaty Vote
Seán Boner126
Book Reviews 138
Donegal Bibliography 2020-21Rory Gallagher143
Volume 73 : 2021

Donegal Annual 2023

Donegal Annual 2023

Front cover – Erigal, Co. Donegal, 1939, Paul Henry, Estate of Paul Henry, IVARO, Dublin, 2023, oil on canvas, Collection of Irish Museum of Modern Art, Heritage Gift by the Bank of Ireland from the Bank of Ireland Collection,  2008.

Description AuthorPage
President of County Donegal
Historical Society
Rev. Raymond Alexander Blair
Eithne Coyle and the Struggle for
Irish Nationhood
Méadhbha Ní Bhaoill5
Joseph Murray: Revolutionary,
Teacher and Garda
Niamh Brennan20
Untold – Donegal Women in the
Revolutionary Period
Caroline Carr29
Decade of Centenaries: Fact and
Helen Meehan37
A Visit to Donegal in the 1820sMyra D. Kavanagh41
The 1400th Anniversary of
Adomnán, Naomh Adhamhnán,
St Eunan 
Brian Lacey46
Baptist Johnston Barton (3)
1848 – 1914 : the Old Colonel
Col. Declan O’Carroll (Rtd.)49
Inishtrahull: Isle of ShipsSeán Beattie58
A Forgotten Paul Henry Connection
with Letterkenny
William Roulson68
Donegal’s Other Kelp and Iodine
Peter E. Childs74
The Rise and Decline of the Donegal
Town Spa
Rev Raymond Blair80
P.T. McGinley, P.T. MacFhionnlaoich,
Cú Uladh (1856-1942):
Ceannródaí Ildánach na Gaeilge na
Luathbhlianta i nDún na nGall
Nollaig MacCongáil84
Two Intriguing Names of Inishowen
and Inse Gall
Aidan O’Hara96
A Great American Donegal-born
Sculptor of the American Capitol
Geoff Cobb102
Doonan Rock: Inauguration Site of the
Uí Chanannáin Dynasty
Seán Browne106
Sidelights on Fiddling in the LagganMartin McGinley113
Challenge in the Quest for Genetic
Surname Signatures: A Cenél Conaill
Case Study
Tomás G. Ó Canann121
Ballyshannon Famine Orphan Girls’
Memorial: 175th Anniversary
Anthony Begley137
Life, Art, and History Eamon O’Kane139
Book Reviews143
Donegal Bibliography 2022-23Kevin McCaul147
Schools’ Competition159
Volume 75 : 2023

Donegal Annual 2020

Donegal Annual 2020 cover picture Farmlands, Donegal (detail) by Hans Iten (1874-1930), National Museums Northern Ireland, Ulster Museum Collection.

Farmlands, Donegal (detail)

Hans Iten (1874-1930)

National Museums Northern Ireland, Ulster Museum Collection.


Cenél nÉoghain in
Patrician Hagiography
Dr. Thomas
Two Ballyshannon Philanthropists
and their Legacy
Anthony Begley14
Donegal and the Victoria CrossRichard Doherty20
Kate McCarry: Letterkenny’s First
Woman Urban Councillor
Dr. Angela Byrne27
The Viking Impact on the Inishowen
Darren McGettigan32
Rev. Edward Glacken 1806-1896:
Famine Relief in Glenties
Katelyn Hanna37
Gaelic Surnames and Settlement
Patterns in South West Donegal
Tomás G. Ó Canann42
DNA Analysis: Researching Donegal
Dr. Maurice Gleeson and
Dr. Sam Hanna
The Origins of the Uí Dochartaigh of
Brian Lacey59
Manor Courts of Donegal in the Early
Nineteenth Century
Raymond Blair65
Foyle College and Donegal
Dr. Robert Montgomery
and Seán McMahon
Convoy Woollen MillsBelinda Mahaffy75
Changing Features of the
Protestant Community In North Donegal
from an Occupations Perspective
Edward Rowland79
Andrew Elder (1821-1886), Castlefin:
Campaigner For Land Reform
Dr. William Roulston87
William J. Doherty, Buncrana:
Engineer, Antiquarian and Politician
Dr. Seán Beattie96
Patrick Sarsfield Cassidy (1852-1903):
From Dunkineely to New York
Helen Meehan101
James Musgrave: A Man of IronLulu Chesnutt107
Pipe Organs of DonegalDerek Fleming113
From Malin to Wisconsin: The Friar’s
Curse by Michael Quigley
Des Doherty117
Book Reviews126
Officers 2020-2021133
Donegal Bibliography 2019-2020Rory Gallagher135
Volume 72 : 2020

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2019

Near Dungloe

James Humbert Craig RHA (1874-1944)


Seán Boner, President,
Donegal Historical Society
History of Clonmany Village, InishowenMarius Harkin6
Raphoe Diocese: Early Protestant
Places of Worship in the 17th Century
Dr William Roulston16
Alexander Nixon, Heathfield, BallyboesDr Seosamh O Ceallaigh22
A Forgotten Donegal Mansion:
Glentogher House, Inishowen
Rev Raymond Blair29
Quaker Assisted Emigration From
Arranmore, Co. Donegal in 1884
Dr Seán Beattie34
Robert Taylor Carson HRUA (1919-2008)Dr Denise Ferran, PPRUA40
Ballyshannon Gentry FamiliesHelen Meehan48
Donegal Medical Personnel in WW1Caroline Carr53
Edward Kelly: Last Elected MP for
Donegal in Westminster
Anthony Begley63
Letterkenny Workhouse 1844-1923Dr Niamh Brennan68
Meig Bhuirrce and the Origin of
Clann tSuibhne in Scotland and Ireland
Tomás G. Ó Canann77
Seán D. Mac Lochlainn, County Manager, DonegalSeán Boner87
Tenant Right in Donegal, 1849-1850Katelyn Hanna95
Boston’s Donegal DiasporaDr John McColgan99
A False Dawn: Royal Visit to
Buncrana, 1903
Mervyn Watson110
The Wreck of the William and MaryDr Frank Sweeney119
Late Eighteenth Century Maps of Ballybulgan Townland and TenantsDr Sam Hanna121
Paddy the Cope, Michael Powell and the Story of the Unmade FilmKen Fox126
Book Reviews136
Officers 2019-2020138
Donegal Bibliography 2018-2019Rory Gallagher141
Calendar of Events 2020148
Volume 71 : 2019

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2018

Turf Harvest, The Rosses, Co. Donegal (detail)

James Humbert Craig RHA (1874-1944)

courtesy of Peter Kelly


From Malin to the Middle East:
the Inishowen Crosses and Pillar Stones
Dr Michelle Brown4
Donaghmore Parish, Barony of RaphoeBelinda Mahaffy15
Amateur Drama in Donegal 1952-61Siofra Ni Shluaghadhain22
“Open Air Mass in the Donegal
Mountains”, 1867“
Aidan O’Hara26
Aspects of the History of
Clann tSuibhne
Tomás G. O Canann31
The Provision of Anglican Places of Worship
in the Parishes of Inishowen,
Dr William Roulston42
John McGettigan 1882-1958:
Migrant, Musician, Minstrel, Entrepreneur
Marcas Ó Murchú49
By the Banks of the EanymoreHelen Meehan54
The Role of the P.S. Cynthia and the
S.S. California in the Development of
Donegal Tourism.
Mervyn Watson59
John W. Nixon and his Derry Libel
Dr Desmond Murphy65
The Cenél nEóghain of Inishowen:
Aldfrith of Northumbria’s Donegal
Dr. Brian Lacey72
The Deliverance of Donegal –
A Political Ballad and the Donegal
Election 1874
Rev Raymond Blair83
Néillí Boyle, Seamus Ennis and
“The Moving Cloud”
Seán Boner88
Upper Lough FoyleRoss Cooper97
Ballintra Map 1773 and Associated
Dr Sam Hanna103
The Ancient Order of Hibernians in
Donegal 1904-1927
Dr Seán Beattie107
Ulster Plantation Leases, Manor of
Castlefinn 1680-1827
Terry Dolan122
Book Reviews132
Officers 2018-2019136
BibliographyRory Gallagher131
Calendar of Events 2019148
Volume 70 : 2018

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2017

Donegal landscape by Ludwig Schenkel c.1950

(courtesy of David Bigger,
Central Library, Foyle St., Derry)


A Quaker Tour of Donegal in 1880Dr. Seán Beattie4
William Robinson, Father of the English Flower GardenBelinda Mahaffy16
A Historical Note on Baile Uí ChanannTomás G. Ó Canann23
An American Sea Plane Base in InishowenMeg Carroll29
Peadar O’Donnell’s Young AmbitionsDr. Nollaig MacCongáil39
Raphoe Diocesan ArchivesMoira Hughes39
Donegal and the Strabane Morning PostRev. Raymond Blair48
Images of Donegal Farm LabourersDr. Padraig G. Lane52
Liam Clarke and Arranmore Island’s First Resident DoctorSeán Boner58
Tithe Problems in DonegalDr. Frank Sweeney62
Derry and the Question of Partition 1920-22Martin Lynch67
Poteen Making in InishowenEmma Mahon74
The Wray and Stewart Families of Ards, Dunfanaghy Edward Rowland78
The S.S. Melmore: Donegal Tourism and her Last VoyageMervyn Watson88
The Architectural  Legacy of Sir Arthur Chichester’s Plantation in InishowenClaire Burke94
St. Patrick’s Purgatory and St. Peter’s TurasHelen Meehan100
The Waterloo PriestRichard Doherty107
Donegal News in 1917John Cunningham111
An Píoláta Cósta as an Tamhnaigh, Cill CharthaMíchaél Mac Giolla Easbuic114
Book Reviews118
Donegal Bibliography121
Officers 2017-8127
List of Members128
Calendar of Events 2018135
Volume 69 : 2017

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2016

The cover of the Annual is a most atmospheric painting by Norman Teeling, “Sackville Street before the Rising.”

This is a special centenary edition of the Donegal Annual to commemorate the main events of 1916 – the Easter Rising and WW1.

From the 20+ articles in this edition (see Contents below) it is appropriate to focus on two in particular. Helen Meehan writes about Patrick Pearse and the MacManus brothers and this is Helen’s 25th consecutive year contributing to the Annual. 

Rev. Dr. John Silke has a detailed article about Donegal and 1916. This sadly is believed to be Dr. Silke’s final piece of writing and the Annual includes an obituary in his memory, written by Timothy O’Sullivan.

The first RIC officer to die in the Rising was Constable Charles McGee, a native Irish speaker from the Donegal island of Innisboffin. He is the subject of two articles in the Annual, one by Dr. Méadhbha Ní Bhaoill and the other by Dr. Seosamh Ó Ceallaigh. In a similar vein Seán Boner writes about Private Con Duggan of the Royal Irish Rifles who also died in the Rising.

Seán Beattie, the editor of the Annual, examines early reactions to the Rising in the North-West, while John Cunningham peruses the local press for that year with a selection of interesting snippets. Rev Raymond Blair similarly examines “The Donegal Vindicator” which described the Rising as “an outbreak of criminal folly” and that’s the title he uses for his article.

Emerson Herdman from Sion Mills was in Dublin and photographed the city in the days after the Rising. Seán Boner prints some of these in his article and tells us that the entire collection is in the National Library, including ones he took in the Rosses where the Herdmans also had extensive business interests.

Standing back to reflect on the entire spectrum of commemoration and memory is thoughtfully achieved by Dr. Desmond Murphy, a barrister from Derry. Dr. Sandra Buchanan focuses on the Rising in a wider global context, backed up with an immense amount of bibliography.
And the events of WW1 are also in the Annual. Rachel Magowan features Dorothy Young, a Belfast trained nurse who served in war time hospitals in France and who had spent her youthful summers in Culdaff. She later moved to Jersey and named her house Inishowen, evidence surely of the serenity she had found in that beautiful peninsula.

We must never forget the excellent service provided by the Donegal County Archives Centre for a lot of our information and Dr. Niamh Brennan, the Head of Archives, details the 1916 collection held at Lifford, “a small but intriguing collection” is how she describes the 1916 material.

This is not the full extent of the Annual – see the Index on our website for that. It was launched by Prof. Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Emeritus Professor, NUI, Galway.

Full credit to Seán Beattie and his editorial staff in bringing to fruition this milestone publication to remember a significant year in Irish history.


President Bio4
Pearse’s Letter to a Donegal MotherAnthony Begley5
Easter Rising 1916 – Early Reactions in the North WestDr. Seán Beattie11
Easter Rising 1916 – A Global ContextDr.Sandra Buchanan23
Military Presence in Donegal in 1916Richard Doherty28
Donegal County Archives and 1916Dr. Niamh Brennan31
From Culdaff to the SommeRachel Magowan39
Patrick Pearse and the MacManus BrothersHelen Meehan43
From Nationalism to Republicanism:
Letterkenny and 1916
Kieran Kelly49
Constable Charles McGee RIC
Dr. Méadhbha Ni Bhaoill54
Constable McGee and the Easter RisingDr. Seosamh O Ceallaigh62
Noble SentimentsDr. Lochlann McGill67
Derry and The Easter Rising 1916Brian Lacey70
The Fermanagh Press and Donegal 1916John Cunningham81
Commemoration and MemoryDr. Desmond Murphy85
Donegal and 1916Rev. Dr. John Silke88
“An Outbreak of Criminal Folly”:
Donegal Vindicator 1916
 Rev. Raymond Blair96
Vol. Joseph O’Doherty Recalls 1916Joseph O’Doherty100
Feeding the Rising: Food and Farming in 1916Mervyn Watson102
Reflections on the RisingRev. Bernard J. Canning105
The IRB and The Easter RisingLiam Diver107
Private Con Duggan Seán Boner109
Emerson Herman’s Photographs of the RisingKieran Kelly111
Notes on Medieval Donegal IllTomás G. O Canann114
Book Reviews121
Donegal BibliographyHelen McNutt123
Fr John Silke ObituaryTimothy O’Sullivan130
List of past presidents 131
Officers 2016-17132
List of Members133
Calendar of Events 2017140
Volume 68 : 2016

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2022

Donegal Annual 2022

Celebrating 75 years 1947-2022

This issue is dedicated to the founder members

“I may say that this Society, with its associated Journal and proposed Repository, bids fair to fulfil a hope I have entertained for a long while.”

Andrew Lowry, President, Foreword, Journal of the County Donegal Historical Society, November 1947.

Front cover – Blown Sand , 1797 (From William Hamilton “Memoir of the Climate of Ireland”, in Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 1797, Vol. 6, pp 27-55 by permission of the Royal Irish Academy).

The Garda Síochána in Donegal (1922-1923)Seán Beattie 4
Night of Terror in MountcharlesHelen Meehan19
The Border in Finnegans Wake:
‘the sanguine boundary limit’
Donal Manning23
In Search of Fahan MuraL. S. McLaughlin29
Richard Hayward’s Donegal ConnectionPaul Clements39
Painting Life in the Rosses:
W. H. Bartlett (1856-1932)
Raymond Blair45
Bundoran Golf Club: Unique Sporting InscriptionAnthony Begley49
Dún nanGall: “Fort of the Foreigners”?
Archaeological Evidence for Viking Activity in Medieval Donegal
Megan McAuley54
The Burt Reclamation SchemeLiam Campbell64
Girls’ Secondary Schools in Londonderry after 1845Robert Montgomery72
Culdaff Letter, 1777George Mills76
The Extraction of lodine from Seaweed in Ramelton, Co. DonegalPeter E. Childs78
A Donegal-born Covenanter Minister in South Carolina: Rev. Thomas DonnellyWilliam Roulston91
The Earliest Books by Donegal AuthorsBrian Lacey94
John Hamilton, Brownhall:
Tenants of the Ballydermot Estate 1821-1857
Sam Hanna100
Aonach Thir Chonaill: Aonach GaeilgeNollaig
Mac Congáil
Edmund Brian Doherty Plaque, Cruit IslandShannon McGaffin121
Extraordinary Landlordism in Western Donegal: Valentine Ryan – Landlord, IniskeelTom Plunkett124
Dunaire Finn agus Dún na nGallDuane Long129
The Emergence of Muintir Chanannáin
in Early Medieval Donegal
Tomás G.
O Canann
Book Reviews148
Donegal Bibliography 2021-22Una Mathewson154
Notices 163
Volume 74 : 2022

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2015

Cultural Tourism in Donegal in the Early 1900s Mervyn Watson   4
Hibernian Sunday Schools in Donegal 1809-1847 Seán Beattie   11
General Frederick Young 1786-1874 Rachel Macgowan   21
Beltany – Star of Gortin and Winter Solstice Ross Cooper   27
Colmcille – 1500th Anniversary of His Birth Brian Lacey   34
The Laggan Army and Land Leases 1642-65 Sam Hanna   36
Port Hall Belinda Mahaffy   42
The Dorian Letters, Fanad Rev. Raymond Blair   49
The Rose of Arranmore Eddie Ward   53
Celestial and Environmental Phenomena In Pre-Plantation Donegal Helen Meehan   59
Notes on Medieval Donegal (2) Tomás G. Ó Canann   67
Glencolmcille Rectory Memoir Donald Munro   90
Sarah Porterfield, Raphoe Myra D. Kavanagh   95
Inishowen’s Wartime Coastwatchers 1939-45 Michael Kennedy   99
The Trial of Martha Allan Frank Sweeney   105
Dialann Sheáin Uí Eochaidh Lillis Ó Laoire   109
Book Reviews  116
Donegal Bibliography Helen McNutt   123
Officers 2015  132
Schools’ Competitions Pat Shallow   133
List of Members  136
Calendar 2016  148
Volume 67 : 2015

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2014

Notes of Medieval Donegal Tomás G. Ó Canann   4
The Dudleys: Donegal’s “Penny Nurses”, 1903-1923 Dr. Seán Beattie   16
The War of Independence and the Laggan William Holmes   22
Excavations: Carrickabraghy Castle 2012-3 Richard Crumlish   29
Donegal and the Great War Richard Doherty   39
Mabel Colhoun Denise Henry   45
Municipal Government in Donegal Town: the Two Charters of 1612-13 Dr. Matthew Potter   50
Opposites Attract: Hugh O’Neill and Red Hugh O’Donnell Matthew McGinty   63
St. Colmcille’s Well, Ardsbeg, Co.Donegal Dr. Lillis Ó Laoire   68
Surveys and Rentals: Manor of Castlefinn 1631-1835 Terry Dolan   73
Malinmore Portal Tomb Complex René Balthasar   79
O’Mulderry Family Richard Louis Mulderrry   83
Farrells of Rossnowlagh Dr. Sam Hanna   87
1641 Depositions Patrick Maher   91
Cumann na mBan in Co. Donegal Helen Meehan   97
Famine: Magaret Heraghty’s Last Journey Dr. Frank Sweeney   106
Sugar, Sewage, Soapstone: John George Adair Rev. Ray Blair   112
Major Myles: the 1932/33 Elections Dr. Daragh Curran   116
Association Football: Donegal Players in England, 1945-2010 Dr. Conor Curran   125
Comóradh agus Céiliúradh 1912-2022 Uinsionn Ó Breisleáin   130
Cistercians in Derry and Donegal 1218-2013 Rev. Bernard J. Canning   135
Book Reviews  139
Donegal Bibliography Helen McNutt   143
Officers   150
Schools’ Competitions Pat Shallow   151
List of Members  153
Calendar/Programme 2015  161
Volume 66 : 2014

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2013

A Geophysical Survey of Carrowmore Ecclesiastical Complex, Inishowen Max Adams and Colm O’Brien  5  
Early Medieval Decapitation, Dooey Niamh Carty  9  
Lebelly Castle, the Castle of the Finn, Caisleán na Finne Ross Cooper  15  
Conservation Project : O’Dohety Castle, Isle of Doagh, Clonmany Richard Crumlish and Marius Harkin  21  
Ballyshannon Historians Anthony Begley  23  
Bishop Patrick O’Donnell and Rome Very Rev. Dr. John J. Silke  34  
County Donegal Grand Jury 1753-1798 Emma Wright  38  
Three Donegal Towns that Received Charters in 1613 Matthew Potter  45  
Donegal Through the Lens Seán Beattie  48  
Derry and Donegal Politics: 1800-1921 Desmond Murphy  56  
Opposing High Taxation and Praising the People Rev. Raymond Blair  63  
Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway: 150 Years Frank Sweeney  68  
A Tireless Hunter of Dreams: Arnold Bax and Donegal Kenneth Dodds  71  
The Illies and Environs in the 19th Century Gearóid MacLochlainn  75  
Donegal and the Irish Boundary Commission Paul Murray  82  
The Early Gaelic Revival in the Donegal Bay Area Helen Meehan  91  
World War 1 Chalice Returns Home Canon Bernard J. Canning  98  
Capt. McKay Rorty and the American Civil War, 1861-65 Aidan O’Hara  100  
“In the Sunny Long Ago”Billy Finn  102  
Domhnall MacDiarmada: File Ghaothbearra Éamonn Ó Ceallaigh  109  
Book Reviews 114  
Donegal Bibliography 2013 Helen McNutt  123  
Officers 138  
Schools’ Competitions. 2013 139  
List of Members 142  
Calendar of Events 2014 154  
Volume 65 : 2013

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2012

An t-Uachtarán 4  
Glenveagh Castle : Celtic Revival? Seán Ó Gaoithín  5  
Quarrying on Muckish Mountain Alastair Lings  8  
William O’Doherty MP North Donegal 1900-1905 Seán Beattie  23  
Rev. Daniel Eneas Coyle, PP, Pastor and Churchman Francis P. Coyle  30  
Hurling in Donegal Before the GAA Martin McGonigle  39  
Ribbonmen in the Finn Valley Pat Holland  52  
Fisheries on the Donegal Coast, 1836 Frank Sweeney  60  
A Donegal Passenger on the Titanic May McClintock  68  
St. Isodore’s College, Rome and Donegal CanningCanon Bernard J. Canning  70  
The Stories Buildings Tell: Engaging with Architecture in Donegal Marianne O’Kane Boal  73  
The Coanes of Ballyshannon Helen Meehan  80  
A Fermanagh/Donegal Abduction 1839 Rev. Raymond Blair  88  
Tip O’Neill’s Buncrana LinksLeonard Roarty  93  
The Bruckless Bay Fishing DisasterAidan McConnell  98  
Archaelogy in InishowenDessie McCallion & Henry Doherty  103  
Church of Ireland Parish Churches in the Donegal GroupCanon Harry Trimble  104  
Donegal Design 1950Alan Hemmings  108  
Srair Eaglasta Bhaile na FinneAn tAthair Pádraig Ó Baoighill  110  
Book Reviews 117  
Past Presidents 120  
Donegal Bibliography 2012Helen McNutt  121  
Proceedings of the SocietyEamonn MacIntyre  139  
Officers 140  
Schools@ CompetitionsPat Shallow  141  
List of Members 145  
Calendar of Events 2013 158 
Volume 64 : 2012

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2011

The Gardeners of the Early Christian Period Seán Ó Gaoithin  5  
Post Office Savings Banks in Donegal Seán Beattie  18  
The Donegal Churches of Liam McCormick Liam S. McLaughlin  30  
The Ulster Covenant in Donegal in 1912 Aidan O’Connell  45  
Tory Island – a Review and an Apologia Dan Casey  59  
Cricket in Donegal 1865-1914 Conor Curran  64  
Maidhm Locha Monann – the great victory of Hugh Dubh O’Donnell over Conn Bacach O’Neill, Knockavoe, 1522 Darren McGettigan  71  
The Auchinlecks of Ulster Billy Finn  77  
Franciscan Superiors in Donegal Fr. Pat Conlan, OFM  84  
Climate, Famine and Fever in 18th Century Donegal H. Meehan  86  
An Investigation of the Material Culture of Donegal Franciscan Friaries in the late 16th and 17th Centuries Keith Smith  96  
Bishop Patrick McGettigan, Raphoe Canon Bernard J. Canning  105  
Canon Bernard J. CanningRev. Raymond Blair  108  
The Wilsons of Upper Cavan in America Doris Wilson Franz  113  
A Living from the Sea – Arranmore Island 1856-1956 Philip Griffin  118  
Arranmore’s Night to Remember Seán Boner  127  
James Hewitt, Fourth Viscount Lifford Kenneth Dodds  137  
Dúchas Naomh Colmcille in Éirinn agus in AlbáinSeosamh Watson  145  
Book Reviews 160  
Past Presidents 169  
Donegal Studies 2011 Helen McNutt  170  
Proceedings of the Society Eamonn MacIntyre  186  
Officers 188  
Schools’ Competitions Pat Shallow  189  
Contributors 195  
List of Members 197  
Calendar of Events 2012 Una McGarrigle  210  
Volume 63 : 2011

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2010

President: Col. Declan O’Carrol

Our President 5
New Artefacts Discovered in Ballyshannon and DerrynasserDiarmuid Ó Seaneacháin6
The Ecclesiastical site at Carrowmore, InishowenBrian Lacy11
Niall O’ Glacan (Nellano Glacan)  Conall MacCuinneagáin15
The Followers of St. Francis in Donegal Rev. Pat Conlan, OFM22
Freemasonry in DonegalSeán Beattie30
Marist Brothers from Donegal  Canon Bernard J.Canning40
Marist Priests and Nuns from Donegal Rev. Eddie Deeney44
The Donegal Militia and the Insurrection of 1798 Kenneth Dodd46
Ploughmen and Gentlemen – a Letterkenny Ploughing Match 1846Rev. Raymond Blair53
“On the Dodge” : Peadar O’Donnell in Texas Frank Shovlin57
The Demise of the English Courts in Donegal Liam Ó Duibhir64
Donegal and the Outbreak of the Northern Conflict, 1968-69Edward Longwill70
The Guild Experiment – the Lost Theatre of North-West Ulster  Nuala McAllister85
Cahir Healy MP, 1877-1970Helen Meehan92
The Cunningham family of BallybofeyIvan Knox104
The Nazareth House, Fahan, Buncrana      Rev. Philip Donnelly116
The Life and Times of Dominic O’Kelly May McClintock128
Abbeylands Plane Crash,  Ballyshannon, 1944Billy Finn132
Donegal and Derry Bishops Help Decide the 1911 North Tyrone Byelection J. Dooher137
Tógáil na Dá Stáisiún Leictreachais i nGaoth DobhairSeán Ó Domhnaill148
Book Reviews 166
Past Presidents 169
Donegal Studies 2010Helen McNutt170
Proceedings of the SocietyEamonn MacIntyre182
Officers 184
Schools’ CompetitionPat Shallow185
Contributors 190
List of Members 191
Calendar of Events 2011 202
Volume 62 : 2010

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2009

President: Col. Declan O’Carrol

County Donegal Historical Society 4
President of  Donegal Historical Society 5
Medieval Columban Pilgrimages in Derry & DonegalBrian Lacey6
J.G.Swift MacNeill, M.P., Donegal SouthSeán Beattie21
The First Voyage of Charles K. Boyd, 1892-1976                             Brian Boyd27
A Look Back at Funeral Offerings                                    John J. MacLoone29
A Ballybofey Forgotten Poet : David B. Cunningham 1880-1961       Rev. Raymond Blair32
Pat Cannon and Educational ReformPatrick Cannon38
Tattie Hokers and the IRA : the Impact of Migration to Scotland on the IRA in Donegal During the War of Independence Kelly Thompson52
Ballykinar Internment Camp, Co Down Liam Ó Duibhir60
Charles Inglis, A Bishop from Glencolmcille Conall Mac Cuinneagáin70
 The Duke of Abercorn’s Visit to ArdaraMalcolm McClure83
A View from Manor VaughanThe Hon. Hedley Strutt96
A Glorious Treasury : The Stained Glass Windows in the Church at DesertegneyRev. John R. Walsh100
The Centenary of Long Tower Church, DerryCanon Bernard J. Canning114
Disturbances in Donegal Town, Ballybofey & Stranorlar, 1898Kenneth Dodds118
The Herdmans of Sion Mills and their Connections with the RossesSeán Boner126
A Donegal Writer in GermanyHelen Meehan147
Book ReviewsA. Begley/ Soinbhe Lally154
Donegal Studies 2009Eileen Burgess156
Past Presidents 166
Proceedings of the Society Anthony Begley167
Officers 2009-10 169
Schools’ Competitions 2009Pat Shallow170
List of Members  173
Contributors 181
Calendar of Events 2010 182
Volume 61 : 2009

Donegal Annual 2008

President: Helen Meehan

County Donegal Historical Society 4
The Royal and Prior School, Raphoe : 400 yearsRev. Canon David Crooks5
The Hamiltons of Brownhall Helen Meehan38
Cottage Industries : Arts and Crafts in Donegal 1880-1920Seán Beattie59
Eighteenth Century Whaling and Shark Fishery at Inver, Donegal BayRory McNeary82
A Memorable Day in Letterkenny May McClintock98
The Earls of Arran and their Estates in County Donegal Dr. Matthew Potter102
Frances Browne and the Legends of Ulster Rev. Raymond Blair134
The GAA and Association Football in Donegal 1884-1914 Conor Curran144
Recording Donegal’s Farming Heritage Dr. Jonathan Bell and Mervyn Watson161
The “Drumboe martyrs” Rev. Dr. John J. Silke167
The Cochranes of Redcastle Dr. Niamh Brennan175
The Monastery of FahanRev. Philip Donnelly184
Revenue Collection at Greencastle and Ballyraine Brian Boyd198
The Lough Swilly RailwayJimmy McBride206
“A Champion of Liberty” – Stopford Brooke, Donegal’s Forgotten Man of LettersDr. Frank Shovlin219
The Lost Tombs of Finner Camp, Co. DonegalComdt. Kevin McDonald231
The Battle of Pettigo 1922 Leonard Roarty242
Tadhg Ó Tiománaidhe Máire T. Uí Cheallaigh248
Alexander Murray’s Killybegs Project Patrick Conaghan258
Donegal Labour in the 1923 General Election Adrian Grant275
The Adairs of Donegal : Towards a Trans-Atlantic Game Plan – Part Two…..Dr. Bob Spiegelman290
Book Reviews 306
Donegal Studies 2008Eileen Burgess314
Past Presidents 323
Proceedings of the Society 2008Anthony Begley324
Officers 2008-9 329
Schools’ Competitions 2008Pat Shallow330
List of Members 2008 333
Calendar of Events 2009 343
Volume 60 : 2008

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2007

President: Helen Meehan 

Our President 4
Donegal and Antrim Link: O’Neill and ChichesterThe Hon. Mrs. Fionn Morgan6
Commemorating the Anniversary of the Flight of the Earls in RathmullanÁ. Ní Dhuibhne34
The ChieftainAnon44
Dirge for Sir Cahir O’DohertyAnon45
O’Dogarty AddendumDr. Jerrold Casway48
Niall Garbh O’Donnell and the Rebellion of Sir Cahir O’DohertyDavid Finnegan60
1608 The Collapse of Traditional Gaelic Lordship in Co. DonegalDr. Darren McGettigan83
A Tale of Two StonesBelinda Mahaffy98
The Adairs of Donegal: Towards a Trans-Atlantic Game PlanDr. Robert Spiegelman102
Mary Rosalie Boyd South African PoetMay McClintock119
The Letterkenny Connection for Patricia Rosalie BoydBrian Brooke Boyd127
The Fianna in the Blue StacksHelen Meehan130
Philip MacDevitt Bishop of Derry 1766-97Rev. Philip Donnelly142
Captain Henry Gallaugher DSOCol. Declan O’Carrol (Retd.)164
A Unique Mummers’ Play from North DonegalDr. Alan Gailey186
Handley Air Crash in 1943 East InishowenJoe O’Loughlin197
The Civil War in Donegal 1922-23 Some ObservationsDr. Desmond Murphy207
Michael Davitt RememberedBernard O’Hara213
VEC Minutes ArchivedSandra Buchanan219
Book Reviews 220
Donegal Studies 2007Eileen Burgess227
Past Presidents 239
Proceedings of the SocietyAnthony Begley240
Officers 245
Schools’ CompetitionsPat Shallow246
List of Members 247
Calendar of Events 2008` 256
Volume 59 : 2007

Full text of this volume is available for members here.

Copies of this Annual are available for sale here

Donegal Annual 2006

Commemorating the ‘Flight of the Earls’ 

President: Vincent O’Donnell

Painting the FlightThomas Ryan5
Diary of the Flight of the EarlsTadhg Ó Cianáin7
Reflections on the Flight of the EarlsEunan O’Donnell31
The Early 17th Cent. and Rory O’DonnellHelen Meehan45
The Children of the FlightSeán Bonner67
Ballindrait and the Flight of the EarlsBelinda Mahaffy80
Aodh Óg Dubh of Ramelton 1537-1618, Senior of the Race of DálachMary Haggan85
The Flight of the Earls ‘Pilgrimage’ to RomeJohn McCavitt97
Shadows of GreatnessArthur Lemon102
Helen Allingham, the Artist and her Ballyshannon ConnectionsAnthony Begley112
Iona and Colum CilleRosemarie Doherty127
Glenswilly – from Source to the LoughMay McClintock141
Parish Committees and the Homes of Donegal 1898-1914Seán Beattie147
Private Boyle’s LetterRev. Dr. John Silke167
Railways in Donegal and the War of IndependenceLeonard Roarty172
Bishop John Keys O’Doherty 1889-1907Rev. Bernard Canning176
Vocational Education and Training in Donegal 1900-2005Sandra Buchanan181
Peter McLaughlin, Raphoe and DerryRev. Philip Donnelly194
Cuairt an Ard Easbaig Cróc ar Thír Chonaill, 1891An Dr. Pádraig Ó Baoighill203
A World Apart’: Pleasures of the Elite in Derry and Donegal, 1770-1820Dr. Nuala McAllister208
An Eilimint ‘Málainn’ i LogainmneachaPaul Tempan218
Book Reviews 220
Donegal Studies 2006Eileen Burgess227
Proceedings of the SocietyAnthony Begley240
Past Presidents & Officers 243
Schools’ CompetitionsPat Shallow245
Membership 246
Volume 58 : 2006

Full text of this volume is available for members here.

Donegal Annual 2005

President: Vincent O’Donnell

Our President 3
Lucius J. Emerson 1911-2005Anthony Begley7
Arthur Balfour’s Tour of Donegal 1980Seán Beattie17
The Walled Gardens of DonegalMay McClintock30
Donegal in Industry (Manufacture of Tweeds) 51
Bram Stoker’s Donegal RootsBilly Finn61
The Tithe Disturbances in ClonmanyGodfrey F. Duffy72
The Otherworld, the Underworld and the Underwater World in Donegal FolkloreHelen Meehan87
Doon Rock and the Flight of the EarlsJohn McCavitt110
The Migration Story of John Toland 1670-1722Brian Lambkin115
Some Fragments of Fairy Folklore from Magh IthaBelinda Mahaffy127
William Alfred Lipsett 1886-1915Anthony P. Quinn135
A Cultural Heritage Project 2002-’07Bernie Campbell139
The Irish in the Pacific North WestTimothy J. Sarbaugh142
Carndonagh Cross Restoration ProjectJohn Kelly153
An Clár Dá-TheangachPádraig Ó Baoighill162
Donegal StudiesEileen Burgess173
Book Reviews 183
Proceedings of the SocietyAnthony Begley192
Giraldus Cambrensis & Royal Inauguration in Tír ChonaillCharles Doherty195
Schools’ CompetitionsPat Shallow197
Officers & Membership 201
Volume 57 : 2005

Full text of this volume is available for members here.