Donegal Annual 1949

President: John Hamilton

Committee & Membership 165
The Irish Woollen IndustryP.J.McGill168
Coinnteann na mBardNiall Ó Domhnaill178
The Atlantic and the North Irish Emigrant of the 18th Cent.J. Dickson189
Manus O’Donnell ( Manus a’ Phice)Rupert Coughlan193
Co. Donegal in the Catholic Qualification RollsSean Ó Domhnaill204
Tobar na nAingealSeosamh Ua Maolain206
Notes & Queries 208
Book Reviews 213
Hearth Money Rolls for Co. Donegal 1665 215
Leabhraisneis ar Thír ChonaillNiall Ó Domhnaill217

This edition of the Donegal Annual has been reprinted as part of Collected Donegal Annuals Volume 1 1947-1953 on sale here

Donegal Annual 1948

President: Thomas Molloy

Committee and Membership 81
FOREWORDThomas Molloy85
The O’Hegarty’s of Ulster and Kindred FamiliesFather Walter Hegarty86
Clann tSuibhne na MiodógNiall Ó Domhnaill`93
Rambles in DrumholmHugh Deery99
Memory of the Young PretenderCapt. E. Boyle112
Rural Villages and the Rundale SystemPeadar Mac Loinsigh P.P.115
Antiquities of Co. Donegal 121
Wolfe Tone and DonegalSeamus Brady129
Valuable Records Salved 140
Notes & Queries 145
Gleanings from Old Manuscripts and Newspapers 148
Bibliography of Co. DonegalMacDonagh & MacIntyre151

This edition of the Donegal Annual has been reprinted as part of Collected Donegal Annuals Volume 1 1947-1953 on sale here

Donegal Annual 1947

President: Andrew Lowry

First Donegal Annual then called “Journal of the County Donegal Historical Society” 

Officers and Committee 1
Objects and Rules of the Society 2
FOREWORDAndrew Lowry3
EditorialChris MacDonagh5
Donegal in Song and StoryVen. Archdeacon Kerr6
Co. Donegal in Anglo-Irish LiteratureChris MacDonagh15
Shore Dwellers and Sandhill Settlements (Dooey and Lettermacaward)P.J. MacGill27
A Contribution to a Study of the Name of BallybofeyMicheal Óg36
Notes & Queries 39
Book Reviews: Romantic InishowenChris MacDonagh43
The Rev. John Boyce, D.D. 1810-1864 (Biograpgy) Chris MacDonagh44
Irish Men of Learning Aubrey Gwenn45
Nótaí & Ceisteanna 47
Bibliography of Co. DonegalMacDonagh & MacIntyre49

This edition of the Donegal Annual has been reprinted as part of Collected Donegal Annuals Volume 1 1947-1953 on sale here