Welcome to the new website of County Donegal Historical Society. You will have been redirected here from our old website at donegalhistory.com
Bookmark us : Use ctrl+d to save our new address to your Internet browser’s Favourites folder.
Website Legacy : We recognise that the previous website has been able to garner a range of information on the Society and its members over many years so we have transferred all of the information from the old website to our new site. Use the Search function on each page to search our new site.
More updates : this new format will be more flexible, allowing our members to contribute articles and so that we can provide you with more updates on the work and events run by the Society.
Index of Annuals : as part of this new website, we have included the table of contents for each Donegal Annual published since our foundation in 1946. Use the Search function that you will find on each page to search for keywords that are of interest to you.
Accessibility : The overall “clean” design for this phase is to make this site accessible by using plain black text and white background with medium sized-fonts for easier reading by all visitors. Some photos have descriptions added for screen-readers and more will be added over time, this is work in progress. The design is also chosen so that the website contents can be read without change on any device whether desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Security : Our new website will provide a more secure way for us to communicate with you; notice the padlock next to our website name in your browser.
Membership : With a more secure website, we have been able to introduce electronic forms for membership allowing both our new and current members to register and pay for membership online.
Future Plans : We have many plans for this new website for the near future. Come back to see how things progress.
Feedback : We hope that you enjoy this new facility, send your comments to us at info@donegalhistory.ie